Strategic Review

A structured facilitated process that leads your leadership team through a careful review of your organisation’s strategy.

We bring a strategic framework to the process and lead them step by step through the key decisions that result in a strategy. Developing a strategy is a complex process which requires an understanding of a myriad of connecting ideas. By constructing a framework, we can break the connecting ideas down into bite-size information. It allows them to arrive at high quality decisions.

The appraoch is tailored based on whether you want to:

  1. develop the strategy from scratch
  2. pivot the organistion to a new strategy, or
  3. run a stratey refresh.

In each case our process is to lead the team through

  1. The key points of research
  2. The key decisions and trade-offs that are required to develop the strategy
  3. Help the team visualise their desired future
  4. Identify the key trends that are happening in their market
  5. Quanitify the organisation’s strengths and weaknesses, and
  6. Make the key strategic decisions.

Key Outcomes

As a result of the strategic review:

  • the leadership team will develop a new or refreshed organisation strategy
  • develop buy-in amongst the senior leadership team
  • develop the strenght of team work

Our Approach

As strategic facilitators, we consider every intent of the team when developing a strategy. We introduce three critical inputs into the facilitation:

  • Establishing a framework for the discussion;
  • Reviewing each strategic component; and
  • Helping the team make strategic decisions.

All team members will be involved in the process. Diverse perspectives will be heard and aligned. Ultimately, the team will draw out a clear, defined strategy that can be owned and implemented by everyone.

Who Should Attend

The strategy review is for the organisation’s leadership team and the executives who hold responsibility for the organisation’s strategy.


The full program involves research and 3 fullday discussions.

To discover more, please contact us:

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